April 2001
"The Florida Online High School began four years ago to serve
students who were looking for different or supplemental course
not available
in the traditional schools, and to provide rural schools with Advanced
Placement courses available in more populated communities. We grew
out of a unique partnership between two school districts, Alachua
and Orange counties, which were looking for solutions to provide
their students with a higher quality of education. This lead to
a management structure based on a democratic decision-making process
rather than the traditional "top down" approach typical
for school. When we began, we had two principals, two school boards,
and one overarching advisory board. This management framework made
it challenging to provide the school's staff and students with
the necessary leadership for success.
For almost two years, the joint leadership team shared responsibilities,
including lobbying efforts to secure state funding as well as the
day-to-day operations of the school. However, as our school evolved
and grew, this management structure proved challenging, and we
decided that changes were needed. The operation of the school
was evaluated
and a needs assessment was conducted. The result was a restructuring
of the leadership team to a more business oriented organizational
chart, establishing a point-person to manage the school, teachers,
and students.
We quickly learned that effective leadership was essential if
we were going to meet our objectives of using technology to provide
alternative learning and advanced educational opportunities to
students. Understanding that managing a virtual team requires strong
from every member of the team and open communications, we have
worked hard on building the team using a number of methods. As
the Executive
Director, I rely on my management team to handle most of the day-to-day
operations, which allows me to focus on where the school will be
in the future and on solving challenges. The following operating
principles have helped me lead our school and have kept us focused
on our mission:
- Always provide guidance to everyone on the staff.
- Look for the right people with the right skills who can
thrive in a virtual environment.
- Build and mobilize the team; keep them thinking, acting
and moving together.
- Be very flexible and try not to micromanage how your
team is operating.
- Look at results; don't worry about tracking time.
- Gather new ideas from teachers.
- Approach every situation as a signature of oneself; encourage
discussion and disagreement without negative undertones.
- Keep an open door and address all problems, but
request individuals raising the issues to also
try to bring solutions.
- Continuously reinvent how things are done so that
the competitive edge is always sharp.
Operating principles aside, we have had to overcome a number of
challenges. Being a nontraditional school, we've had to build and
prove the credibility
of the courses offered at The Florida Online High School. We have
established a virtual team that has had to adjust the way they
are accustomed to teaching and we've had to build necessary student
mechanism, such as guidance counselors. Even while we continue
to wrestle with some of the issues, especially as technology changes
and our student population grows, we are encouraged by our accomplishments.
- Of the students taking The College Board Advanced Placement
courses through FHS, 73% scored a 3 or above on a 5 point scale,
they qualify for college credit.
- Of the 73% of FHS students who passed the AP exam, 38% received
5's, the highest possible score.
- FHS outscored the national averages on AP exams in three out
of four courses: Biology, Computer Science, and English.
- Grade distribution of all FHS students during the 1999-2000
school year shows 79% earned either an A or B, and only four
percent earned
an F.
- Eighty-nine percent of participating students say the quality
of their FHS course is the same, better, or much better than
regular high school courses.
Because of our virtual existence, we will always have a heavy
reliance on technology. However, this doesn't change how our school
embraces, learns, and integrates technology. Our leadership team
places special emphasis on making sure all team members have the
support and professional development to fully utilize technology
as a learning tool for instruction. We have established some guidelines
to help guide our daily activities, build our virtual school community,
and provide an adequate level of technical support to teachers
as well as school leaders and administrators:
- Everyone in the school has to be willing to admit there's a
learning curve involved, and commit themselves to learn and value
how technology
can enhance learning.
- School leaders have to demonstrate, as well as articulate,
their commitment to integrating technology. During training
administrators, superintendents, and principals all should
be in the middle of teachers
involved in the training, even if its Windows or email.
- Be a role model and lead by example. For example, read and
respond to your own email.
- Highlight and capitalize on successes. Spotlight teachers who
are doing a great job using technology and encourage other
teachers to learn from them. Change the structure of the
day to allow teachers
more time and the opportunity to visit others who are using
technology effectively.
- Make your end goal the creation of a cadre of teacher teams
empowered to work together and teach each other the tech tools.
As we assess and evaluate our practices, we continue to fine-tune
and improve our school's existence in the digital age. One of the
best measures of success comes from the students who attend The
Florida Online High School. Not only do these students become experienced
telecommuters prepared for real-world environments, but they are
also leaders in their own educational journey. We are preparing
to work in a technology rich environment, and they are learning
life-management skills alongside of the core curriculum.
Since much of the learning happens online in a remote classroom
or home, students must take responsibility for their own progress.
example, students learn the technology as they learn the subject
by utilizing tools available on the computer, just like the real
world, and are leaders among their peers. When students talk about
their experience at The Florida Online High School, they generally
agree on the following tips:
- Online courses are a GREAT way to
get a credit to graduate.
- It is more difficult because learning
is happening the entire time. You must be an active learner
in the process.
- Make a schedule and stick to it on a weekly basis.
- Communication
with teachers is important. Proactive communicators tend
to be more successful in the online learning environment.
- Reach-out
to peers for assistance via telephone or email and get involved
with others at the beginning of class.
About The Florida Online High School
The Florida Online High School, an entirely online secondary
school, has become the model that K-12 schools study when they
are exploring
web-based learning and how it works. The school's achievements
in online administration, pedagogy, and instructional delivery
have helped confirm the invaluable role online learning can play
in modern education. The mission of The Florida Online High School
is to provide students with high-quality, echnology-based educational
opportunities to gain the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed
in the 21st century.
The Florida Online High School began offering courses to students
throughout Florida in 1997 and is now affiliated with all 67
of the state's school districts, serving over 3,000 students.
at the school have over 60 online high school courses from
which to choose. The school also provides consultation and
services to institutions around the globe.
Julie Young is the Executive Director for The Florida Online
High School. Ms. Young is also a 2001 NetDay Hero for her work
in transforming
teaching and learning through online education. She can be
reached at: youngj@fhs.net or by phone at 407-317-3326 ext.
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